Tanya Linnegar
Experience life...record the journey.

About Me

My Work

My photographic practice has been characterized by an interest in explorations of loss and personal trauma. I have spent much of the past few years exploring personal loss, mining my own life for material.

With my most recent work, I have moved on from an exploration of personal loss to environmental loss. I have always had a strong interest in unravelling the complex relationships between the human and non- human world. 

Through my photographic art, I aim to encourage people to see beyond the ingrained, constrictive limitations forced upon us by the mainstream of race,gender,borders,languages,countries, religions, continents, cultures -and even species and to see that we all share a commonality of consciousness and spirit. 

There is a Latin saying "Ars Longa, Vita Brevis" which translates to " Art is Long, Life is short." Life is in a constant state of creation, destruction and change. Photography, Art, and the creative process are for me essential tools for maintaining a continuing engagement with being alive.

-Tanya Linnegar


I was born in South Africa,  and grew up with a camera in my hands from a very young age, and a strong interest in the relationship between the manmade  and natural world : their collision, co-existence, and conflict. 

My passion for photography was ignited by my father, Ian when I received my first camera at age four. I spent a  large portion of my childhood on Safari, in wonderful nature and game reserves,delighted to be able to view and record the vividly present and rich African  landscape. 

I have since spent time living in the United States and in Canada  for the last fifteen years and my passion for the natural world continues... I  am a lifelong traveller, and believer in  the mind -expanding opportunity provided by the immersion in cultures  different from one’s own. I'm about to live in my fourth country, The Czech Republic, and I hope it isn't my last move!  I would like to live in as many different places and countries as I can before I die.

I currently hold a Bachelor Of Fine Arts degree (with a major in Photography) from The Emily Carr University Of Art And Design.

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